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Contact Information 

 Email: [email protected]


Virtual Instruction Plan  

Please refer to my Google Classroom for mini lesson, assignment, and virtual meeting information!

 Stay safe. 






Welcome to Mrs. Leo's Web Page


   Eighth grade is a very important year.  It is the culmination of the elementary years.  This is the year when students prepare for their high school career.  Eighth graders are the oldest pupils in the building and are expected to be role models for the seventh graders.  Along with this responsibility come rewards. We are given preference for seating in the auditorium and cafeteria.  In June, when eighth graders achieve success in academics and behavior, they are rewarded with a picnic and a trip to Great Adventure.

Studies have shown that reading is an integral component to academic success.  In order to prepare for high school, students will concentrate on reading comprehension and writing skills.  During English class, we will read at least six novels along with plays, short stories and poems.  


   Students will strive to be proficient in  grammar skills and  writing narrative, literary analysis, and research simulation essays.   There is homework every night of the week, except on Friday.


If you strive for success, you will succeed!






  • The Elements of Language– This is our grammar book.  Students will work on assignments in class and at home. Students will also enhance their writing skills to become proficient in narrative, literary analysis, and research simulation essays.


  • The Elements of Literature– This is an anthology of plays, short stories, and poems.  Students will read The Diary of Anne Frank, “The Underground Railroad,” “The Tell Tale Heart,” “Paul Revere’s Ride,” “The Monkey’s Paw,” and a few other classics.  Students will be responsible for the story and the vocabulary attached to same.


  • Going Where I’m Coming From – This novel is a collection of ethnic essays written about teenagers.  Students will choose which essays they read and will be required for presenting them to the class.


  • Johnny Tremain – This is an award-winning novel about the American Revolution from the eyes of a fourteen-year-old boy.  Students will read two chapters a week and answer questions and take quizzes for the chapters for a  grade.  Vocabulary words from the chapters will be defined and understood.


  • The Adventures of Tom Sawyer – This classic tale by Mark Twain has Tom Sawyer teamed up with Huck Finn for an adventurous story about pirates, treasure, and murder.  Students will read a few chapters a week and answer questions and take quizzes about each reading for a grade.  Vocabulary words from the novel will be defined and understood.


  • The Hound of the Baskervilles – This is a Sherlock Holmes mystery.  Students will be required to read in class and at home.  Questions and quizzes will also be assigned for a  grade.  Vocabulary will be assigned for each chapter.


  • The Contender – This is another contemporary novel set in Harlem in the 1960’s.  This is a story about a young man who turned to boxing instead of crime.  Students will be required to read in class and at home.  Questions for each chapter will be assigned and graded.  Vocabulary will be assigned for each chapter.


  • Nothing But The Truth – This contemporary novel is about a ninth grader and the problems that arise from lying.  Students will be required to read in class and at home.  Questions will be assigned for a grade, and vocabulary will be attached for each chapter.


  • Night - This non-fiction, novel details a terrifiying account of the Nazi Death Camp Horror.  Students will be required to read this novel on their own, create reaction journals, and discussion questions.  There will also be worksheets and vocabulary assigned for each chapter.


  • So Far From the Bamboo Grove -   Yoko Watkins gives us a semi-autobiographical account  of her Japanese family's escape from North Korea after WWII.  Students will read in class and at home.  There will be worksheets, vocabulary, and questions assigned to the chapaters.



Grading System



Tests and Essays– Tests and Essays are worth 70% of the grade.


Assignments - Homework and assignments are worth 30% of the grade


Quarterlies – Test grade



Email Mrs. Leo