page contents




Our goal as physical educators is to provide a safe and positive experience for children and teach them a variety of skills and activities so they can learn how to lead an active and healthy lifestyle.


Class Rules


- Wear Comfortable clothes and SNEAKERS.

      - Students will not be able to play in sandals, work boots, dress shoes, flip flops, Crocs, or Uggs.

      - Students may bring sneakers to change into if necessary.


-For safety reasons, students are not permitted to wear jewelry during gym class.

      - (bracelets, necklaces, watches, dangling earings, etc.)

      - Students must leave all jewelry in their classroom desk or cubby.


-If your child is injured or sick during the school year and requires a visit to the doctors or hospital, Please send a note to the Nurse or myself. 


- If you have any questions or concerns please feel free to contact me.


Thank you for your cooperation!!





Slaybaugh Elementary Physical Education 

(Activities may change throughout the year.)





-Low Organized Games

-Monthly Run




-Spooky Gym

- Monthly Run



-Fitness Activities

-Monthly Run



- Throwing/Catching

- Holiday Gym

- Monthly Run



-Relay Races

-Monthly Run




-Jump Rope for Heart

-Monthly Run



- Floor Hockey

- Monthly Run



- Fun Run

- Monthly Run



- Running Unit

- Base Running Games

- Monthly Run



-Miscellaneous Games